Concurso Internacional de Piano
XXXIV Cidade de Ferrol


First- Object and content

The Department of Culture of the City Council of Ferrol organizes the XXXIV International Piano Contest "Cidade de Ferrol" from November 15” to 22nd of 2024.

The competition will take place: the inaugural concert at the Jofre Theater, the preliminary rounds, and the final at the Ferrol Auditorium, through the following schedule:

  • Registration period: from the date of publication of the cali until October 31“, 2024.

  • November 15: participant draw, opening ceremony, and opening concert of the competition.

  • November 16 to 18: first elimination round.

  • November 19 and 20: second elimination round.

  • November 21: rehearsal of the three finalists with the Galician Symphony Orchestra.

  • November 22: final round of the competition. Award ceremony

All rounds of the competition will be recorded vía streaming, with the city council holding the rights to the recording, distribution, or broadeast of the same, in both audio and video format.

Second.- Competent authority for regulation and instruction

The responsibility for the regulation, instruction, and resolution of matters arising from these rules will correspond to the delegated councilor of the Culture Area. In any case, the General Subsidies Ordinance of the Ferrol City Council will apply subsidiarily.

This authority, after obtaining the necessary reports, will resolve or determine all situations not covered by these rules. Likewise, it may adapt the rules to any forcé major situation that may arise.

Third.- Registration

All people, regardless of nationality, between the ages of 16 and 35 may particípate in the competition.

Registration will be done using the form included as an annex, available on the competition's website at the following link: ( Registration is free.

Candidates who have won the first prize in previous editions will not be accepted.

The registration deadline ends on October 31 st of 2024, at 11:59 PM Spanish time.

If it is necessary to extend this deadline, it will be notified through the appropriate publications.

Upon registration, applicants must submit their CV in any of the following langua- ges: Galician, Spanish, or English (in PDF format), their ID or passport, and a colored picture.

Participants under the age of 18 must send a signed and scanned authorization from a parent or guardián, assuming any responsibility arising from their participation.

Once registered, the contestant will receive an automatic confirmation email. Registration implies full acceptance of the competition's rules.

Fourth.- Prevalence in the translation of the rules

In case of translation errors in the rules, the official regulation written in Galician will prevail.

Fifth.- Study rooms

Several study rooms will be made available to participants starting on November 15.

Sixth.- Program

The program is structured as follows:

First round: performance of a freely chosen program with a máximum duration of

30 minutes.

  • Second round: performance of a freely chosen recital with a máximum duration of 50 minutes, which must inelude a piece by a Spanish composer. Compositions performed in the first round will not be accepted.

Final: (3 participants) performance of a concert for piano and orchestra from the universal repertoire, accompanied by the Galician Symphony Orchestra.

The jury may end the performance of a contestant if it is considered appropriate.

For the final round, the organization will accept any concert for piano and orchestra from the universal repertoire.

Once the program has been submitted, no modifications can be made to it unless there is a mistake. The same composition cannot be performed during different phases of the competition.

In all rounds, the pieces must be performed from memory.

Seventh.- Selected participants

Contestants must be present at the inaugural ceremony on November 15 at the Jofre Theater, carrying their ID or passport. if, for any reason, a participant cannot be present at the draw, they must justify their absence.

The order resulting from the draw cannot be modified unless due to major torces, completely accredited and appreciated by the jury, except for the final round with the orchestra, for which the jury reserves the right to modify the order.

Eighth.- Main jury

The jury will consist of:

  • Atechnical presideney and four members, all of them are musicians of recognized prestige, with voice and vote.

  • An institutional presideney with a representative function, which will fall to the mayor of the City Council of Ferrol or the delegated councilor of Culture.

  • The Secretariat, which will be assigned to a staff member of the Culture Depart­ment or a delegate, who will act with a voice but without a vote.

  • The composition of the jury will be announced on the competition's website.

Ninth.- Award criteria

The juries will evalúate the contestants according to criteria such as artistic quality, interpretative, technical, and musical ability, among other aspeets.

Some of the prizes may be shared. In any case, the jury is not obliged to award all the prizes, and its decisións are final.

The prizes will be subject to the corresponding wrthholdings in accordance with Spanish law.

Tenth.- Cases of abstention or disqualification

The members of the jury are subject to the general cases of abstention and disqualification provided for in the current legislation (Law 40/2015) concerning the participants in the competition.

No member of the main jury may vote for their own students, people with whom they are united by marriage or a similar relationship, blood relatives up to the fourth degree, or second-degree relatives by marriage, or cióse friends or manifest enemies. Similarly, the jury members cannot vote for participants with whom they maintain a cióse friendship or manifest enmity, or participants who are the children of their cióse friends.

During the competition, contestants are strictly prohibited from contacting or speaking with any of the jury members, which could lead to exclusión.

Eleventh.- Exclusión

Serious disrespect towards any member of the organization, as well as non-com- pliance with any of the rules of these bases, will be grounds for exclusión.

Twelfth.- Cancellation or modification of the competition dates

If, for reasons beyond the control of the Ferrol City Council, the competition must be canceled or postponed, no responsibility will be taken for expenses incurred by any contestant prior to attending tne competition.

Thirteenth.- Prizes and honorable mentions

In accordance with the eleventh rule, the jury may award the following prizes:

  • First prize: 15,000 € and a diploma.

  • Second prize: 7,000 € and a diploma.

  • Third prize: 4,000 € and a diploma.

  • Prize for the best performer of Spanish music: 2,000 € and a diploma.

  • Prize for the best Galician performer: 1,000 € and a diploma.

These amounts are subject to the applicable legal withholdings.

The jury may decide to award an “ex aequo” prize, in which case the amount of the prize will be divided among the winning participants. If an “ex aequo” prize is awarded among the three finalists, the amount of the unawarded prize will be distributed equally among the “ex aequo” winners. The first prize may also be awarded ex aequo.

Fourteenth.- Compatibility of the prizes

These prizes are compatible with any other prizes that the winners may receive in competitions other than this one.

Fifteenth.- Obligations of the awarded contestants

All awardees are required to collect their prizes in person at the closing ceremony and awards ceremony, and the winner is also required to perform at the gala if the organization decides so. They must also remain for the official photos arranged by the organization, as well as be present for press interviews and photos before and after the final. If not, except for justified cause, the prize will be revoked. These two requirements do not apply to semi-finalists or honorable mentions.

Sixteenth.- Inauguraron and award ceremonies

The organization of the inauguration and closing award ceremonies will be the responsibility of the Mayor's Office or the delegated councilor of Culture and will be supervised and directed by the Protocol Department of the Ferrol City Council.

The Communication Office will be responsible for supervising announcements and press releases related to the prize.

Seventeenth.- Data protection

Personal data (including photos and identity documents) sent by contestants will be incorporated into a file owned by the organization, to be used solely for the purposes of the activity. In accordance with the LOPD, rights of access, rectifica­ron, cancellation, and opposition may be exercised through the General Registry of the Ferrol City Council.

Eighteenth.- Legal regime

Given its legal nature, in all matters not covered by these rules, state and regional regulations on subsidies (Law 38/2003 and RD 887/2006 and Law 9/2007) as well as the Subsidies Ordinance (BOP 21/10/2019) will apply.

Nineteenth - Publications

These rules will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of A Coruña.

The registration period will begin with the publication of the extract of the corresponding cali order—with the certification of the availability of credit—in said BOP, and after its full publication in the National Subsidies Database.

The awarded performers will be published in the National Subsidies Database.

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